05 Oct
Guidance Of Maintaining And Storing

Guidance of Maintaining and Storing

Powder coatings should be stored and kept in a cool dry place (temperatures below 30 °c)
Direct light emission for a long period is harmful to these colors
Avoid keeping paint cartons open for long periods of time
Not more than 4 cartons should be arranged on top of each other

If the above conditions are met, it is possible to maintain the powder or color until one year after the production date. As well, the powder or color can be used and stored for one year after the productions date.

Safety Tips

In case of skin contact, the skin can be cleaned with water and soap. When using to avoid allergy, be sure to wear a helmet and glasses and masks. In the absence of a mask and long contact with powdery colors, respiratory complications will be created. If you observe the above conditions, there will be no worries and you can easily use powder colors that are environmentally friendly colors. If you need more information consider following points.

Hazards Identification

Powder coats are not classified as a hazardous substance according the Regulatory Reliability Standards.

First Aid Measures

Skin contact: wash with water and soap
Eye contact: wash with flowing water instantly

Firefighting Measures

Chemical decomposition due to heat: During a fire and combustion, steam, toxic and burning gases may be


Equipment for fire extinguishing: use water spray, alcohol resistant foam and carbon dioxide to extinguish

the fire.

Helpful Measures in Emergencies

Personal precautions: Avoid inhaling and breathing dust
Cleaning ways) methods): clean the place with broom or vacuum cleaner instantly.
Collecting all the firing resources and get them away from the place. Then clean the place

with wet brush and put the wasted substances in special packing to destroy them later.

Use mechanical machinery like forklift to transport these substances.
If the powder coat is used and stored in the order indicated above no chemical decomposition will occur.

Care and Maintenance of the Product

Use suitable machinery to ventilating the toxic gases and collecting the dust.
Precaution in protection of firing and explosion: Prevent the formation of dust and diffusing gases.
Use ventilate device for places that producing dust. During the process, high dust can produce explosive

combinations in the air.

Conditions and maintenance period: products that maintaining in the dry and clean conditions can be used

for at least one year from production.

Protective Control for Detection

The exposure limitations of this substance are as follows:
Hand protection: use protective gloves for continuous contact with this substance.
Respiratory protection: when the workers are exposed in a concentration more than limitation, they should

use protective respiratory equipment.

It is recommended to use protective mask against dust when dust concentration is more than usual.
Health measures: act according to industrial hygienic and safety standards

Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state: Fine or tiny powder
Melting point: 90°c – 120°c
Low explosion limit: 30% – 70% (V)
Density: 3-1.8 ()
Volatility percent: 1%

The physical information that has been given above are physical quantities and they should not be considered as technical properties.

Environmental Information

Due to the low solubility of this substance in water, water poisoning with this substance is not expected.

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